Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund
Donate now to support the families and communities affected by the Panhandle and South Plains wildfires in February 2024. The Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund is administered locally by Amarillo Area Foundation.
To address the struggles of Texas communities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, OneStar deployed more than $955,350 from the Texas COVID Relief Fund to 16 organizations working to directly support the most vulnerable and underserved across the state. In partnership with Governor Greg Abbott, the Fund was established to provide critical funding to address urgent gaps in available community resources in the areas of health, education, and community development.
Since launching in May 2020, we received more than 400 applications totaling over $32 million in requested funding, demonstrating the immense and evolving need within the Texas nonprofit sector. To ensure available funding is distributed equitably across the state, we analyzed data on the regional impact of the coronavirus pandemic to determine where resources were most needed and prioritized consideration of nonprofits & agencies with broad geographic reach—especially in areas with limited access to local philanthropic relief funding.
Texas COVID Relief Fund focused on these key areas to make an impact.
Revitalizing schools and child care centers
Promoting mental health, wellness, and good nutrition
Rebuilding community assets and essential local revenue
Funds Awarded
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The Texas COVID Relief Fund was made possible by generous donations from the community, including our Funding Partners.
AT&T Foundation
Blue Bell Creameries
Iberdrola Texas
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Austin, Texas 78702
3000 Pegasus Park Dr, Suite 718
Dallas, Texas 75247