Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund

Donate now to support the families and communities affected by the Panhandle and South Plains wildfires in February 2024. The Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund is administered locally by Amarillo Area Foundation.

Certificate in Fundraising Excellence (CiFRE) offered by TANO

Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations (TANO), with support from The Center for Coummunity Based & Nonprofit Organizations at Austin Community College (CCBNO ACC) ), is launching a new Certificate in Fundraising Excellence (CiFRE) that will afford participants 60.5 of the 80 or so education credits required as part of the process of becoming a Certified Fundraising Executive and has top notch local and national faculty.

It begins January 25th and is 5 months long; all day sessions on Fridays.  The schedule and outline of sessions and faculty is attached. More details at

Please email for more information.