Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund

Donate now to support the families and communities affected by the Panhandle and South Plains wildfires in February 2024. The Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund is administered locally by Amarillo Area Foundation.

Who We Are

About OneStar


We are One Texas, united in building resilient and thriving communities.


OneStar strengthens Texas communities by creating pathways for individuals and organizations to engage, connect, and accelerate their impact.

Core Beliefs

We Can All Make a Difference

Service and volunteerism are a cornerstone of what it means to be Texan. We believe everyone can make a difference and contribute to building thriving communities.

We Are Stronger Together

Our state is vast, and the issues we face are deeply rooted and complex. We believe the best way to develop innovative solutions to these systemic problems is through collaboration.

We Can Accelerate Impact

Strong communities are supported by strong organizations, and this does not happen by chance. We believe organizations are most effective when they are equipped with the funding, skills, and resources to deliver on their missions.

We Lead By Example

We model the leadership we hope to see in our communities. We embrace a culture based on the values of:

  • Adaptability & learning
  • Partnerships & shared purpose
  • Transparency & trust
  • Always doing our best work for our fellow Texans

For nearly half a century, the State of Texas has recognized the critical importance of civic engagement in building resilient and thriving communities. When OneStar was established to carry on this legacy, the Governor described Texans as “a dedicated and selfless people who have a long and proud history of responding when their neighbors need help” and cited the power of volunteer action to “transform our communities, our families and the lives of individual Texans, and enrich the life of the volunteer.”

OneStar harnesses this extraordinary Texan spirit of service by creating pathways for individuals and organizations to engage, connect and accelerate impact for our state. Through our diverse initiatives, we equip Texans to develop and advance innovative solutions to our state’s most pressing challenges. Born from state government, we carry out our mission for Texas with direction and guidance from the Office of the Governor. We are recognized nationally as a leader in administering AmeriCorps resources, as a statewide voice for the nonprofit sector, and as a respected partner to foundations, state agencies, and the business community. Together, we are One Texas, united in building resilient and thriving communities.

Texans are a dedicated and selfless people who have a long and proud history of responding when their neighbors need help in the midst of crisis...

Texas Governor Rick Perry

Our History

Since the founding of the Texas Center for Volunteer Action in 1974, the State of Texas has demonstrated its commitment to cultivating a vibrant nonprofit sector powered by service and volunteering. OneStar is proud to be a part of this enduring legacy.


Taking root and recognizing the importance of volunteers in Texas

In 1974, Governor Dolph Briscoe (D) established the Texas Center for Volunteer Action to coordinate and expand the use of volunteers within the state. Governor Briscoe also launched the Governor’s Volunteer Leadership Conference—later renamed the Texas Nonprofit Summit—to provide training for volunteer leaders across Texas.

When Governor William Clements (R) took office in 1979, he established the Governor’s Office for Volunteer Services to replace the Texas Center for Volunteer Action and charged the office with supporting, encouraging, assisting volunteer efforts in the state, and overseeing the Texas Volunteer Council.



Expanding the legacy of civic engagement

In 1983, Governor Mark White (D) formed the Office of Community Leadership as an umbrella organization to house the diverse community-oriented organizations and initiatives within the administration. He also created the Governor’s Volunteer Awards to recognize outstanding volunteer service across the State of Texas.

Governor Clements expanded the renamed Governor’s Office on Community Leadership/Volunteer Services to serve as a liaison with other sectors surrounding volunteerism, monitor legislation affecting volunteers, assist with the coordination of Texas Volunteer Action Centers, and support and recognize volunteer efforts statewide



Bringing AmeriCorps to Texas and building partnerships

In the wake of the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993, Governor Ann Richards (D) established the Texas Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service (TxCVCS), which enabled the state to apply for federal funding for service programs and to launch AmeriCorps Texas programs.

Governor George W. Bush (R) moved the TxCVCS into the Texas Workforce Commission under the authority of the Division of Workforce Development and established the Governor’s Mentoring Initiative as a targeted priority to support Texas youth.



A new name and growing responsibilities

In 2004, Governor Rick Perry (R) established the OneStar National Service Commission as the Texas state service commission in place of the TxCVCS and placed it under the administration of OneStar Foundation, a nonprofit created to further volunteerism and community service in Texas.

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita, OneStar’s services expanded to promote disaster resilience – connecting organizations and individuals with resources to effectively respond in times of emergencies and disasters.

In 2009, OneStar launched and incubated the Texas Connector online geo-mapping tool as a resource to nonprofits, government, foundations, and others working to strengthen the nonprofit sector. Texas Connector was transferred to The University of Texas of Austin in 2020 where it continues to be available to interested organizations.



Building bridges and becoming a sector leader

In 2011, OneStar was named the chair of the Interagency Coordinating Group (ICG), a network of state agencies assigned by the Texas Legislature to collaborate on partnership opportunities with faith-based and community organizations.

OneStar formed the Nonprofit Management Alliance of Texas in 2012 to support the coordination of nonprofit management support organizations in Texas. The following year, OneStar created the Academic Affinity Group to bring research to practice. The group convenes universities and colleges that conduct research and evaluation on the nonprofit sector and have certificate or degree programs with a focus on nonprofit management, philanthropy, volunteerism, and civic engagement.

In 2014, OneStar launched the statewide intermediary OneStar AmeriCorps VISTA Project to help nonprofits and government agencies across Texas build their capacity to fight poverty.

In response to Hurricane Harvey in 2017, Governor Greg Abbott (R) announced the Rebuild Texas Fund, a collaborative project of OneStar and the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation that raised $100 million to support the recovery of Texas communities devastated by the storm.



A new chapter and new challenges

Governor Abbott establishes the Texas COVID Relief Fund to support the recovery of Texas communities impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Guiding Documents

Strategic Plan

OneStar launched a new strategic plan in 2024 to provide greater clarity on how we can best support and strengthen Texas communities. Learn more about the goals that are guiding our work in the years ahead.

Strategic Planning Co-Design Committee
  • Brooke Campbell
  • Christian Corrales
  • Corina Sadler
  • Dan Leal
  • Dinorah Lopez
  • Gabriella Garcia De-Avila
  • Glenn Goodrich
  • Joshua Winata
  • Laurie Johnson
  • Phillipa Williams
  • Susannah Mikulin

Special thanks to these staff, board, and community stakeholders for co-designing our strategic plan by providing unique insights and facilitation.

Annual Reports

Annual Reports are valuable retrospectives that allow us to celebrate past achievements and provide context and lessons for future endeavors. In addition to showcasing OneStar’s impact and providing transparency into our operations, we hope these reports serve as an inspiring reminder that the partnerships we build today establish a strong foundation for meaningful impact in years to come.


OneStar stewards millions of dollars in public funds and donations each year. We take our responsibility to maintain public trust seriously, and we seek to partner with strong organizations who share our commitment to building resilient, thriving communities in Texas.

The OneStar family consists of two registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations through a group exemption (Group exemption number 4286). These organizations provide separate, but related, 990 tax forms to the IRS, and they report combined audited financial statements annually. Our employer identification numbers (EIN) are as follows.

  • OneStar Foundation: 20-0166368
  • OneStar National Service Commission: 20-0445492

Email us to request a copy of OneStar financial statements and tax forms.