Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund

Donate now to support the families and communities affected by the Panhandle and South Plains wildfires in February 2024. The Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund is administered locally by Amarillo Area Foundation.

Natalie Gray

Managing Change: How Transition Impacts Humans...and How to Make It Easier

Founder, South Rim Partners

Growing up in national parks, Natalie Gray (she/her), MEd, attended some of America’s most under-resourced schools. After graduating from Van Horn High School, she enrolled at The University of Texas at Austin and discovered a vast difference between her college readiness and that of peers who had attended more resourced schools. This realization sparked her interest in educational equity. After completing her M. Ed. at Harvard University, she taught middle school and began work with what is now Breakthrough Collaborative, helping grow three affiliates, serving as a National Program Officer, and helping launch Breakthrough Central Texas. In 2008, Natalie joined Teach For America’s staff to design executive director training, ultimately serving as VP – Staff Learning and Development. Through South Rim Partners, she offers schools and organizations highly customized, experienced support, adding capacity to increase impact through a variety of services including training, facilitation, coaching, writing, planning, project management, and coalition support.