Ronnie Hagerty, Ph.D. of Houston is assistant vice president of community relations and talent management for the United Way of Greater Houston. She is an adjunct professor at the Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University and former lecturer at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. She serves as a board member for The Rose, and as an advisory committee member for the Houston Arts Alliance, Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, Career Gear, and University of Houston Downtown Master’s in Nonprofit Management program. She is a member of the PowerTools for Nonprofits Advisory Board and is a sustaining member of the Junior League of Houston. She was previously a member of Renewing our Communities Advisory Committee and the American Diabetes Association. Hagerty received a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Saint Mary’s College – Notre Dame, Master of Business Administration from the University of Houston, and Doctor of Philosophy in leadership and change from Antioch University.