New funding will support 2,972 AmeriCorps members to meet local needs
Austin, TX – OneStar Foundation today announced that Texas has received $14.6 million in federal AmeriCorps funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). Funds are awarded to nonprofit organizations, state and local governments, and educational institutions following a highly competitive process and will be matched by $37.3 million in local resources. These funds will support 2,972 AmeriCorps members who collectively will earn up to $11.7 million in education awards valued at $5,815 per member for completing a 1,700 hour term of service.
AmeriCorps members will tackle a variety of critical issues in Texas serving as in-school, after-school and summertime teachers, tutors and mentors. AmeriCorps members will also work to provide intensive college access and success services, engage in adult and early literacy interventions, participate in early childhood development programs, distribute food to economically disadvantaged children and families, engage children in daily physical activity, assist with case management for the homeless, recruit hundreds of volunteers, and respond to Texas communities recovering from disaster.
“National service is an essential part of the solution to many of the challenges facing our state,” said Elizabeth Darling, President/CEO of OneStar Foundation. “These AmeriCorps members will strengthen communities as they develop civic and leadership skills to last a lifetime. I congratulate these outstanding organizations and thank all those who serve their communities through AmeriCorps.”
AmeriCorps is a public-private partnership, and AmeriCorps grantees leverage significant outside resources to operate their programs.
Below is a listing of 2017-18 AmeriCorps grants in Texas:
- Amarillo Independent School District, $303,953 to support 55 AmeriCorps members
- American YouthWorks, $134,300 to support 10 AmeriCorps members
- Breakthrough, $710,842 to support 170 AmeriCorps members
- City Year, Inc. Dallas, $605,000 to support 50 AmeriCorps members
- City Year, Inc. San Antonio, $1,403,600 to support 116 AmeriCorps members
- CitySquare, $1,151,176 to support 292 AmeriCorps members
- CitySquare, $74,927 to support a one year AmeriCorps Planning Grant
- College Forward, $1,098,290 to support 100 AmeriCorps members
- College Forward, $75,000 to support a one year AmeriCorps Planning Grant
- Communities In Schools of Central Texas, $685,634 to support 84 AmeriCorps members
- Communities In Schools of the Heart of Texas, $351,845 to support 43 AmeriCorps members
- Equal Heart, $451,016 to support 109 AmeriCorps members
- Front Steps, $455,000 to support 35 AmeriCorps members
- Literacy Coalition of Central Texas, $640,000 to support 50 AmeriCorps members
- LoneStar College – Kingwood, $343,553 to support 106 AmeriCorps members
- National College Advising Corps, $400,000 to support 50 AmeriCorps members
- Project Transformation, $725,732 to support 157 AmeriCorps members
- Project Transformation, $74,994 to support a one year AmeriCorps Planning Grant
- Reading Partners, $ 453,250 to support 37 AmeriCorps members
- Reading Partners, $75,000 to support a one year AmeriCorps Planning Grant
- Relay Graduate School of Education, $250,000 to support 250 AmeriCorps members
- Teach for America, $728,000 to support 728 AmeriCorps members
- Texas A&M International University, $317,727 to support 70 AmeriCorps members
- The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, $618,288 to support 170 AmeriCorps members
- Travis Co. through Travis Co. HHS, $363,618 to support 32 AmeriCorps members
- United Way of El Paso County, $265,516 to support 20 AmeriCorps members
- University of Houston, $276,528 to support 40 AmeriCorps members
- University of North Texas, $ 508,598 to support 110 AmeriCorps members
- UT Austin Charles A. Dana Center, $1,070,783 to support 88 AmeriCorps member
These organizations are currently recruiting for AmeriCorps members to begin service this fall. AmeriCorps members typically receive a modest living stipend and earn a scholarship of up to $5,815 to pay for future education costs or to pay back student loans. Those interested in serving can learn more by visiting
Beginning this fall, AmeriCorps members serving in Texas will join more than 80,000 AmeriCorps members serving across the country in 21,600 locations. These members help communities tackle pressing problems while mobilizing millions of volunteers for the organizations they serve.
Since the program’s inception in 1994, more than 52,000 AmeriCorps members have served over 70 million hours in Texas alone, earning more than $156,670,000 in education scholarships.
OneStar Foundation is the Governor-designated National Service Commission in Texas and administers the AmeriCorps State grant program. Governor-appointed board members oversee the legal and policy governance of the AmeriCorps Texas program portfolio. Learn more at
AmeriCorps is administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency that engages millions of Americans in service through AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, the Social Innovation Fund, and the Volunteer Generation Fund, and leads the President's national call to service initiative, United We Serve. For more information, visit .