Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund

Donate now to support the families and communities affected by the Panhandle and South Plains wildfires in February 2024. The Panhandle Disaster Relief Fund is administered locally by Amarillo Area Foundation.

Use your skills to support the power of nonprofits

We are committed to making OneStar an exemplary employer, where our employees are our greatest asset. OneStar believes we should model the leadership we hope to see in our communities by embracing a culture and values based on:

  • Adaptability & learning
  • Partnerships & shared purpose
  • Transparency & trust
  • Always doing our best work for our fellow Texans

Current Openings

OneStar values the skills that former AmeriCorps members and Peace Corps Volunteers bring to our team. The leadership, teamwork, flexibility, problem-solving, innovation, and grit that national service alumni gain through completing a service term align with our values and help us tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing our state.

OneStar is proud to be counted as one of Austin’s Best Place for Working Parents® since 2022 in recognition of our family-friendly practices that help our employees and our organization thrive!

AmeriCorps VISTA Positions

OneStar AmeriCorps VISTA Project is currently recruiting candidates to serve as an AmeriCorps VISTA member with partner organizations across Texas. By serving with AmeriCorps VISTA, you can make a tangible difference to support community efforts to overcome poverty.

To receive information about AmeriCorps VISTA positions and application deadlines targeted to your interest areas, please complete this brief survey.

Request for Proposals: Texas Nonprofit Strong Consultant

We are seeking support from a consultant to aid in the advancement of the Texas Nonprofit Strong Initiative. The outcome will be to continue to build the initiative in a hands-on manner, and transition from a partnership model between OneStar and United Ways of Texas to a coalition that encompasses a broader array of stakeholders. 

The selected consultant will play a pivotal role in accelerating the progress of the Texas Nonprofit Strong Initiative through various capacities. Overall, the consultant will be instrumental in shaping the future direction of the Texas Nonprofit Strong Initiative, fostering collaboration, and empowering nonprofits throughout Texas to thrive and create positive change in their communities. 

Responsibilities & Project Scope

  • Coordinate with OneStar and United Ways of Texas staff on Texas Nonprofit Strong activities, providing strategic guidance and hands-on support to move project work forward effectively; 
  • Conduct an assessment of the current state of the Texas Nonprofit Strong Initiative; including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; 
  • Develop and implement a 12-month plan outlining key goals, objectives, strategies, timelines and tactics to accelerate the advancement of the initiative, such as:
    • Collecting content for the Texas Nonprofit Strong newsletter, social media posts, and website; 
    • Monitoring and moderating the Texas Nonprofit Strong LinkedIn group; 
    • Providing support for the Texas Nonprofit Strong Advocacy Network which meets to develop policy priorities in advance of the Legislative Session; 
    • Identifying and engaging additional partners to expand the initiative’s reach and impact; 
    • Facilitating the development of a steering committee to serve as the driving force behind the initiative, ensuring that it remains impactful and sustainable, and serve as moderator for the steering committee.

The deadline for proposal submission is Monday, July 22, 2024.

Serve as a Community Reviewer for OneStar AmeriCorps Grant Applications

The purpose of the AmeriCorps Community Review is to identify the highest-quality applications based on the selection criteria provided in the Notice of Funding Opportunity application instructions. Your participation as a Reviewer directly influences the selection of AmeriCorps programs and shapes the future of national service in Texas.

As a Community Reviewer, you will utilize an electronic scorecard to rate and comment on the applications you review. Reviewers will also commit to participate on a Zoom meeting with their review committee to discuss the reviewed applications. Download the full position overview here.

The deadline to apply is Tuesday, February 20, 2024.


OneStar seeks a diverse group of community reviewers to bring a variety of perspectives to the review process. Reviewers must have experience in one of the following categories:

  • Service experience as an AmeriCorps member or national service participant
  • Employment experience within the national service field
  • Experience receiving services from AmeriCorps members
  • Expertise in one of the 6 AmeriCorps focus areas (Healthy Futures, Economic Opportunity, Environmental Stewardship, Education, Veterans and Military Families, and Disaster Services)


  • $300 stipend
  • Professional development & networking
  • Exposure to new and innovative ideas in the field